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Location-Franchiser/Sublease -Franchisee


The franchiser, [Name of the franchiser], and the franchisee, [Name of the franchisee], as set forth in their franchise agreement on [Date of the agreement] and as witnessed by [Name of the witness], have agreed to the following additional terms and conditions:

Franchisee requires that franchiser establish site for construction and location of the franchise business in [Address of premises].

This location will be held as tenant, by agreement and signatures of franchiser and landlord of space to be leased. In the case franchiser does not obtain such agreement in the determined area within the following time frame of [Period to secure location] effective [Date effective] then franchisee may consider agreement null and void and collect penalties in the amount of [Amount of penalty] [including interest].

Franchiser agrees to construct on the chosen location, a standard franchise system building, such building to be built in accordance with the plans and specifications furnished by franchiser. Franchiser shall also provide periodic inspections of the construction at the franchise site to determine if there has been compliance with the franchise system plans and specifications.

Franchisee will allow franchiser to sublet real estate mentioned above according to identical language of prime lease agreement. Franchiser will not in any way alter terms of lease or allow franchisee to bear or incur any override expenses. Franchiser is duly charged to keep accordance of basic agreement terms of lease and that which franchisee is duly obligated.

Franchiser Dated

Franchisee Dated

Witness Dated

Witness Dated